Another, like Foolk, that is a series of sketches. Some good, some not so good. Really needs someone to insist on consistency and quality control because there is something here.

White Light goes for synth pop with a bit of sub-Depeche Mode vocal. Well-crafted but not different enough. Brightspell provides more synth pop but with a crunchier after taste and finger clicks (we always like finger clicks). Instrumental as well. An improvement but still not essential. Manic wants to be Discovery-era Daft Punk. Good – probably the best track on the EP – but derivative. Citizen feels like an after-thought. Something a bit NIN but without Trent’s tortured vocals.

Blurb: Nowonder (a.k.a Danny Choi) is the newest sound innovator to emerge from the growing Los Angeles beat movement. The producer’s first EP, Color The Concrete, is a groundbreaking combination of electronic dance music infused with the spirit of hip hop. With powerful bass driven tracks layered with unforgettable melodies, Nowonder breaks the traditional format of electronic pop, while crafting his own niche.

Nowonder – Manic


~ by acidted on March 9, 2011.

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