Not me, obviously. This is the blasphemous claim by You Are Not All Boring (previously here).  And I’ve thought further what to do about the lack of Weatherall here and am going to have Weatherall’s Top 10 Early Remixes as chosen by me from next week. Things don’t stop there. Read below of an exclusive to come.

But what of the I Shot Andy Weatherall tune? In short, this is a great track with just the sort of lo-fi dance feel that Andy would like. Has a drum sample that is so remeniscent of the early 90s. And it reminds of a Shamen track from the En-Tact era which I can’t quite place. The melody strikes a groove that is so like many of Weatherall’s early 90s remixes. And there’s ‘that’ vocal sample.

On the track name, I asked You Are Not All Boring, why? He said: It was an intended lead-off track for a demo I intended to shop around almost half a decade ago. It was intended as kinda a play on those early 90’s rave records like “Who Shot JFK” and “James Brown is Dead” and “Who is Elvis?” and all that. Bizarre Proclamation Sample Techno, I guess, even though stylistically I was leaning more towards classic prog house. The ultra lo-fi drum break was lifted from a noisily encoded cassette of a Weatherall DJ mix from the early 90’s, I’m a huge Weatherall fan, and I was intending to send the demo to RGC – I figured it’d be my gimmick to getting listened to. =)  Instead of finishing that demo, I started frantically moving around Canada for school. A few years into school, I re-worked a few songs from that demo and they ended up on this little album: http://www.archive.org/details/SpaceEp although I didn’t include this. track then, as it didn’t seem to really fit.

And as a special treat for you, You Are Not All Boring has done a special Weatherall remix just for Acid Ted readers. Look out for that next week.

You Are Not All Boring – I Shot andy Weatherall

~ by acidted on June 17, 2011.


  1. Like this a lot – thanks for the heads up!

  2. Very interesting, The drums take me straight to The Aloof rather than Shamen though, it’s the shuffle to pound ratio…

  3. I’m excited about all of this already. Shall I try to predict the Audrey top ten? Nah, maybe not.

  4. I like this, although it feels older than early 90’s to me, it’s got a sort of ZTT production feel to it.
    Was going to post a very early remix by Weatherall next week, I think I will hang fire as it is bound to crop up in your top ten.

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