Remember Voyager by Heartbeats Collective

A compilation from Glasgow. And, no, the picture isn’t a deep fried pizza – it’s Voyager, 1 a deep space probe. As you might imagine, the compilation has a largely spacey feel but the tracks range from whooshing synths to a grinding electro dubstep. Free download.

Voyager 1 was launched in 1977 as a deep space probe to study the solar system. It is still operating and is the farthest man-made object from Earth. It is currently poised to leave the solar system and enter interstellar space. The compilation celebrates this with nine artists, all from Glasgow.

If you like your sounds whooshy, the first three tracks are probably the ones on which to focus. ESQ’s Voyager Sheath starts us off. This takes a heavy bass approach before breaking open the cabinet marked ‘JMJ sysnths’. The heavy bass stops it feeling too retro. Next, Holobeams & Broken Machines (who appeared here before) with Deep Sky Object. This is pulsing synths but with a sense of hope and optimism. Kid Robotik goes for a more ambient approach with distorted voices. A really interesting track.

Holobeams & Broken Machines

Full album here:

Blurb: “We Are Calling” is the latest Binary Zero release, put out on the Heartbeats Collective various artist compilation Vol 7, entitled “Remember Voyager”. You can download the full “Remember Voyager” compilation for free here – “We Are Calling” takes influences from Bass music, Dubstep, Techno and the Swedish house music sweeping the electronic charts. Give it a listen and go on a journey to the end of the Solar System with Voyager 1.

~ by acidted on August 24, 2012.

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