Floex – Pocustone


Here’s something I don’t feature much, some 12 year old ambient jazz. It’s getting re-released and has some subtle charms. Free download.

The producer of this album of oddness is Tomáš Dvořák from the Czech Republic working under the name Floex. Pocustone is his first album from 2001, getting a re-release. The album is really lovely and needs listening to in large chunks. The clarinet provides a wonderful counterpoint to the backing, which range from spacey ambient to more conventionally jazz. To get a sense of the album go for the run of the first three tracks Made of Wood, Phi_Log and Waterfalls. They drift along, with the clarinet as guide. It’s only things like Pay No Mind with the vocals and the intrusive double bass that it goes a bit too Jazz Club. Otherwise, pour yourself a large glass of red or a couple of fingers of a good malt and settle down for some aural massage. Only EUR6 to buy.

The free download is the wonderfully named Lovemaking Inside of the Watercamel, which pre-dates the album. This is more conventionally ambient than the album that follows it. But it’s quite a lovely ambient track.


~ by acidted on May 15, 2013.

One Response to “Floex – Pocustone”

  1. This is delightful.

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