Foolk is a Slovakian artist, who has a new EP/Album out Light Bulb. My confusion over whether it is an EP or album is that it comprises series of short sketches – or mood pieces. Some of the tracks are good but their brevity stopped me enjoying it as much as I should have done.

Odyssey is a gentle piece of electronica, underpinned by slow crunchy beats. Think Warp. Really nice. Title track Light Bulb has a slow epic feel, like the opening credits to a space film. Full of floating, wide-eyed wonder at the vastness of it all. FTW moves away from the gentle feel and towards a unsettling bass and offbeat chimes. Uses the sample used by The Prodge on classic Voodoo People. Think Luke Vibert. Again and Again uses warped chords to end up with something which could be an out take from Orbital’s Brown or Green albums. Nona Lisa uses more conventional beats and is slightly unremarkable for that. White Rabbit ends the EP. Hardest beats of the lot. A hint of metal bashing. An unwelcome change of direction.

Foolk – Odyssey

PR blurb: “Light Bulb” shows Foolk that no one has heard before. On this album the artist almost gives up the usage of samples and performs more clearly as a pure melodist and a master of rhythms. Most of his synthetic soundscapes are amply enriched with digitally produced heavy bass and sharp-cutted strong beats. These components are combined in such different ways that even a small number of tracks can guarantee you a short but speedy and really interesting trip.

Listen to whole Light Bulb EP here and buy:

~ by acidted on March 3, 2011.

2 Responses to “NEW MUSIC: FOOLK”

  1. It’s good, but it’s all a bit retro isn’t it? And all a bit ‘I’ve sat in front of the sequencer having a bit of a smoke for five nights and this is all I’ve got to show for it’.

    Must try harder.

  2. Excelent. 5/5. Sounds a bit like Nosaj Thing.

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