Boom bap presenté: GrandJeu – Car Chase

The type of day when languid is the only way to be. Here’s France’s GrandJeu with the slowest boom bap hip hop car chase imaginable – a positively stately 84bpm.

GrandJeu is a musician and beat maker from France. Here’s new release Car Chase. This is a lovely heavy hip hop track, tending towards boom bap. There’s a bit of dialogue and police sirens but otherwise it’s the sort of car chase where you have to stop every so often for a contemplative Gauloises.

Setting my whimsy to one side this is a really fab hot summer in the city track. Urban to its core, smelling of heated tarmac, and yet seeing the beauty in everything. It’s not just about the beats but the mix of almost spaced electronics and jazzy piano. This swings.

Trés biens mes amis.

~ by acidted on June 13, 2023.

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