The totally trippy taste of: Elon’s Musk by Ari Joshua feat. iLL Gates and Cory Cavazos

Time for a trip beyond with Ari Joshua and friends on this downtempo acid trip of the LSD variety.

Ari Joshua was born in Cape Town, South Africa, & raised in Seattle, WA. His influences are pretty diverse as demonstrated by people he’s worked with. He has recorded, performed, & collaborated with Rock ‘n Roll legends like Stone Gossard (Pearl Jam), Michel Shreive (Santana), Barrett Martin (Mad Season & Screaming Trees), & Peter Buck (REM). But mostly what shines through is a delicate synthwave sensibility married to a sixties psychedelia tendency.

As a demonstration, here’s new single Elon’s Musk. It’s made in collaboration with GUITARI’s layered guitars and with iLL Gates’ on drums. It also comes with a cover that wouldn’t look out of place on a 70s prog rock album. And yet the sounds are utterly wonderful.

Yes, yes this has 40 layers and all that. Technically, it’s brilliant. But that has nothing to do with how good this is. It’s like some widescreen symphony. The best bits of 70s synths have been put through a 90s Ambient chill machine to produce something utterly now.

This is spaced and spacey. It tinkles, ripples and opens galaxies. And perhaps your third eye. Hippies old and new will love this. Ambient classy classic in the making.

~ by acidted on February 20, 2024.

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