In which D contemplates giving up smoking. And Sabres provides the soundtrack.

Oct 94: Tomorrow, I plan to give up smoking. Hardy fucking har thinks Ctel. Hardy fucking har thinks D as well. Oky, I know you’ve heard this countless times before. But this time I plan to really give it a shot. To be quite honest, I’m actually getting really sick of smoking. First off, it costs a ridiculous amount of wedge if you’re a committed smoker (I’m not one of those ponces who buy a pack of ten extra-low Silk Cut and then take three weeks to get round to smoking them), it fucks up your lungs big time. And, now that I’ve started working out again, I really feel it. And then, of course, one’s pallor starts resembling the interior of an ashtray after an evening’s session. When people ask me what my best feature is, I reply that, at the rate I’m going, the bags under my eyes will be my only feature. So, bearing all that in mind, I do feel that I’ve got to take the bull by the horns and let it go. As you can imagine, my personality may undergo some strain at this, so if you should phone or pop round only the be confronted by me in a heightened state of hysteria or looking a tad demented, then you’ll wonder exactly what has changed.

Seemed only right to have a mix of Sabres of Paradise’s Smokebelch:

Sabres of Paradise – Smokebelch-ii-(ultra396-mix)

Buy Sabres

~ by acidted on October 10, 2010.


  1. Did D manage to give up smoking? In my experience it’s a bastard.

  2. Always trust this site to give you quality on a regular basis.
    Great tune, takes me back.


  3. Not sure about that mix, no wait I am it’s shit Ctel.

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