The Shire are an American group who normally do an indie rap pop thing about which I’m indifferent. But they also have a couple of lovely instrumentals which blend gentle guitar and electronics. Perfect for Ambient Sunday, lazing in the garden with a long drink.

Alec from The Shire kindly answered Ted’s Top Ten Quiz but get’s question 1 badly wrong:

1. Weatherall or Oakenfold? Oakenfold
2. Real Instruments or Synthesisers? A healthy dose of both maintains a realistic sound while not straying far from the modern music scene.
3. Dance or rap? Again, I actually prefer a mix between the two. Electro hip-hop fusion.
4. Coffee or beer? Coffee
5. Jay Z or Arcade Fire? Jay Z
6. Death or Disco? Death
7. Emmental or Gruyere? Gruyere
8. Concord or Concorde? Concord (s’where I live at the moment)
9. 808 or 303? 808
10. Tom Brown’s Schooldays or Billy Bunter? Tom Brown’s Schooldays

The Raclette Party is based around a lovely gentle guitar part, with electronic washes and a slight sense of a hip hop structure. Terribly, terribly soothing. No idea whether it is suitable for a Raclette party, since I’ve never had one. Prefer fondues mesself. Slow Roll is a slightly harder, more electronic track, with more bass guitar sounds.

The Shire – The Raclette Party

The Shire – Slow Roll

Blurb: 3 boarding school students started making music summer `10. Producers from St. Paul’s School and Deerfield Academy specialize in electro and electro rap fusion. The Shire often collaborates with Britches, a 17 year old MC from San Luis Obispo, CA. Rhymes are this kid’s life.  Watch out for our boy! From California to Manhattan. Jersey to Mass. LP Drops Spring, 2011. The City Summer`11.

~ by acidted on May 15, 2011.

3 Responses to “NEW MUSIC: THE SHIRE”

  1. so nice.

  2. […] NEW MUSIC: THE SHIRE […]

  3. […] Kochmen are an offshoot of The Shire (previously here), who were some children from Springfield on the East Coast who did some lovely downtempo […]

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