REMIXING CLASSICS: Sabres of Paradise – Smokebelch II (Mojo Filter Nebula mix)

We had Mojo Filter’s new album yesterday. Here’s his take on the revered Sabres of Paradise classic Smokebelch II. Free download.

Keeps that chiming intro with extra shuffly drums and a bit of whooshing. This wants to be an outer space version. This is comedown music, not arms in the air stuff. This is music for when the evening’s all become a bit much and you’re legs are starting to seize. You can simply sway or stagger in time to the shuffling beats.

~ by acidted on February 6, 2012.

3 Responses to “REMIXING CLASSICS: Sabres of Paradise – Smokebelch II (Mojo Filter Nebula mix)”

  1. No

  2. I nearly said in the post that those who like the main mix of the original or the Holmes mix are going to dislike this version.

  3. It was bearable until 1.02 when that drumbeat came in.

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