Let’s Go Somewhere Quiet – the beginning

It all started with the tea. Teabags really. I remember I took the wife a pack of Twinings English Breakfast tea at lunchtime. Was only 20 minutes walk from the office. I didn’t go back for seven weeks. Nothing would be the same again.

The wife likes a nice cup of tea. The tea in the hospital wasn’t strong enough, so she asked for teabags. She said there was a lot of waiting around before the boy had his head scan. At fifteen months, it has to be done under general anaesthetic. I arrived as the wife was walking back to the ward. I was about to say something flippant when a doctor arrived. She wanted a word.

She had the results of the scan. You know you’re in trouble when the doctor’s eyes are glistening. I don’t really remember what she said. Only fragments. “Looks serious – Big lump – Brain – Tumour – Cancer – Not sure.” All true, except the last bit. She was sure. She was right. A large tumour on the brain stem.

They operated the next morning. Then there was the recovery. Then there was being rushed to intensive care. Then there was chemotherapy. Which didn’t work. Then there was radiotherapy when he was really too young. Which didn’t work. There was more chemotherapy. Which worked a bit. There was more brain surgery. Which wasn’t enough. There was more brain surgery. Which might have been enough. There was more chemotherapy. Which wasn’t enough. Then there was nothing else. Then there was a brief period of playfulness. Then there was the pain and the decline. Finally, death. Two and a half years after getting the teabags.

That’s my family’s story. But the essence of it is being played out over and over today. In the UK, in the USA, anywhere in the world. My pain doesn’t go away. But research to find ways of curing brain tumours or improving survival rates might just make someone else’s story have a better outcome. That’s why I wanted to put together an album to raise money and did this post. I’ll be announcing the list of those involved later in the week. And if you want to donate in the meantime there’s a link at the bottom of this post.

But in the meantime, something brilliantly dark:

The Four Tops – Reach Out (INSTRUMENTAL REMIX)

~ by acidted on May 22, 2012.

5 Responses to “Let’s Go Somewhere Quiet – the beginning”

  1. Gulp. That’s the best written and most affecting blog post I’ve read for a long time. I got the email ages ago and I’m sorry to say it dropped down my inbox page and I forgot to do anything about it (either reblog it or submit music). Sorry- feel shit about that, especially because I know part of what you’ve been through from our own experiences with Isaac.

  2. Ctel, did you send me a mail? If so sorry, I must have deleted by mistake. I too will plug the album.

    As SA said, excellent post.

    Working in oncology research can be really depressing at times but sometimes you can see a glimmer of hope and a breakthrough and that is why it is essential that the funding for the academic research continue.

  3. […] Whatever, it starts with his quite brilliant remix of  The Four Tops’ Reach Out (previously here), which you must check out in its full […]

  4. […] pop sensibility of Reaching, Thee Pause’s striking remix of The Four Tops which we had back here. Waitress returns to a more downtempo mood but atonal jazz and a bit of Eastern exoticism. Los […]

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