Exclusive: GEM_DOS – Mag D’Allen




An exclusive free download of a punky dance tune for you from GEM_DOS.

GEM_DOS has appeared here a few times and this time has offered his new tune as an exclusive free download via Acid Ted. It’s a while since we caught up with him, so I thought we’d check out what’s been going on:

1. You’re now back in London. How come?

I am back in London as my day job situation in Dublin was starting to look bleak, i basically had to come back to get a job and not one in music or doing anything creative sadly.

2. You describe this tune as “punk dance”. You’re previous stuff has been more downtempo. Why the change?

I supposed when I said Punk Dance I was really referring to the brevity of the tune, you know like those old hardcore punk tunes that last 2 minutes. A lot of electronic tunes are 6 minutes long basically built around 2 peaks with a breakdown in the middle, there can be kind of a lot of filler. I figured why not just have the tune being the peak and get rid of the rest.

3. It’s been over six months since your last tune. Are we going to have to wait as long for the next one?

The break in between tunes was longer than I anticipated. Basically, I bought a house and I had a family situation bubble up which needed my attention. I also had nowhere to actually set up my stuff for a while. It did however give me a long time to think about what I wanted to do next. I realised that I was finding it very uninspiring sitting in front of a computer to do music, I sit in front of one all day in my job and I think on some level I have come to associate it with work and not creation and fun. Going forward I will be using hardware to make my tunes only using the computer to record, been noodling around and have a few ideas on the go and am half thinking about doing a 4 track EP but lets see what happens. I hope whatever I do it won’t be another 6 months!

Mag D’Allen is very much as GEM_DOS says a buzzing, distorted bass line, some abstract vocals and no messing about. Deliberately slightly rough and ready this gets straight in there. A bit like Luke Slater’s electro phase, this almost has a touch of the pop tune in it’s underlying sensibilities. It’s rather cute.

Free download: MagD’Allen

~ by acidted on March 7, 2015.

One Response to “Exclusive: GEM_DOS – Mag D’Allen”

  1. Good track that

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