

I thought Koi Carp were appropriate for Tokubetsu [ 特別 ] from Ricoshëi. Tokubetsu means ‘special’ in Japanese and there’s something about the spoken vocal in a (to me) incomprehensible language that renders it alien and exotic, though that yearning tone would probably make a shopping list sound dreamy.

The tune starts in ethereal mode, allowing the vocal to take the lead. But half way through beats come in and it threatens to become more of a dance floor track. But it never takes that final step and remains lost in the corner dreaming of what could be. Lovely, clever stuff. Even my says “I love dat moozic” and that doesn’t happen very often.

Special to me and we’re in it together. You know what we want and we want it all. Photos of us, living forever…

Watch the video at:


~ by acidted on May 4, 2015.

2 Responses to “Tokubetsu”

  1. That photo looks like an outtake from Alien.

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