Blocktreat- Follow Your Stupid Heart


What is it that makes some of us risk takers and others risk averse. If the propagation of the species is our rationale then is risk taking or risk mitigating the natural order. Or is a combination the right answer since it gives the species more options. With a fear of heights I guess I’m mostly on the risk averse side, though a coup de foudre in love isn’t beyond me. So, Follow Your Stupid Heart is a brilliant title for a track. Blocktreat offers an electronic gem for spring. Full of found sound, echoes of bluegrass guitar picking and dappled sunlight.

He says “Even though the split between brain and heart is probably thee oldest cliche in music ever, it’s a cliche for a reason. And even though my heart, the stupid asshole, is always telling me to do dumb things, I would way rather have a life full of passion than let myself drift into a kind of beige, safe, mediocrity.”

Blurb: Blocktreat is the creative outlet of experimental artist/producer Brandon Hoffman. Inspired while tree planting in Northern British Columbia, Blocktreat began with Hoffman transforming natural acoustic sounds and bluegrass traditionals into unrecognizable electronic soundscapes. His forthcoming album, Exciting New Ventures In Fucking Up to be released later this year, was recorded in a secluded cabin on the outskirts of Williams Lake, BC

~ by acidted on January 31, 2016.

3 Responses to “Blocktreat- Follow Your Stupid Heart”

  1. Sweet relaxing vibes, just what I needed in this time of my life. Thank you!

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