Human Is


What it is to be human is something regularly explored by Science Fiction writers, including the great Issac Asimov but also Philip K Dick. Always struggled with his writing. But Human Is from Levente takes the title of his ambient drone track from a Philip K Dick short story of the same name. The plot centres on the crisis facing a woman whose cold and emotionally abusive husband returns from a survey mission to the dying planet Rexor IV, changed for the better — his psyche was replaced by a Rexorian, glad to have escaped the confines of its dying planet. (more in a helpful review here).

Back to the tune. This is spaced out, beatless ambient. Tones come and go across eight minutes. This is all about the void of space and it’s endlessness (from what is possible for us to imagine). A lovely break from the day. Levente says “the music transitions from something otherworldly to a rather terrestrial elegy.”

~ by acidted on August 11, 2016.

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