White Noise and Moments of Clarity with Eelke Kleijn and Ben_Mug_Pen #electronic #downtempo #minimal

White Noise and Moments of Clarity might seem like polar opposites but with Eelke Kleijn and Ben_Mug_Pen there’s a remarkable converegence of downtempo sounds.

Eelke Kleijn is, with that name, unsurprisngly from the Netherlands. On Moments of Clarity you have an epiphanic experience. The track title is perfect. The sounds are crystal clear and uncluttered. Like shafts of sunlight through Gothic stained glass. All quite beautiful and reverential. Lovely.

Ben_Mug_Pen’s White Noise is a slightly scuzzier bassier affair but full of ascending chords and optimistic hope. Rests on the interplay between stabbed chords and a simpler riff that intertwine. A driving sense of momentum emerges. Almost has rock track structures. Ultimately, creates a marvellously shifting palette of moods.

~ by acidted on August 31, 2018.

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