Living the Lo-fi life with: sweetestcape – Ijustcopped, soimadeabop

A lofi house start to the week with the UK’s sweetestcape (Tobias Iriah). From London he delivers Ijustcopped,soimadeabop from his debut WithinU EP. This is a vibey sort of track that weaves its way between deep house and tech house but without being terribly bothered by either label. It has a slightly psychedelic and almost ramshackle air that gives it a lovely wayward charm. Beats have a bit of echo and there’s a bassed up vocal that talks profundity but in a way that adds sound rather than meaning. This is about the vibes and the grooves. This is to be enjoyed, rather than analysed.

Taken from the WithinU EP

~ by acidted on August 5, 2019.

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