…when force is gone, there’s always Mom: Laurie Anderson – O Superman (URUBU Remix) #House #NewWave #Electronic

Let’s go back the best part of forty years to 1981 for today’s track. The John Peel promoted hit O Superman from Laurie Anderson. Even at the time this was a really strange track. It still sounds strange today with its performance art and New Wave origins. And I’m still frustrated that it only got to #2 in the charts. A minimal synthwave track with a new wave style and repeated breaths and lots and lots of vocoder. Here is it in modern remix from URUBU which offers a full re-work and re-instrumentation but doesn’t mess to much with the essence of the track. Just tidies things up, gives it a bit of a polish, and lets that odd vocal and minimalist style shine. Good work by the Montreal man.

The wiki for the track is worth a read:

“‘Cause when love is gone, there’s always justice / And when justice is gone, there’s always force / And when force is gone, there’s always Mom”

~ by acidted on September 24, 2019.

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