It’s Friday, let’s bibble with IDM from Gregory Paul Mineeff x Kick Bong – Beyond #IDM #Electronica

Limping a bit towards the weekend so here’s something perky and IDM but not too experimental from Gregory Paul Mineeff x Kick Bong.

Gregory Paul Mineeff x Kick Bong is an Australian / French collaboration. Kick Bong (Franck Jousselin) is from Paris, France and has been making and releasing music for over 20 years. Gregory Paul Mineeff is composer, multi-instrumentalist from Wollongong, Australia. Both of their work has a chilled factor.

The featured track is Beyond from their Beyond Borders EP. This is a track of textures. There’s wandering backwards sounds that give the essentially chilled track a light dusting of IDM awkwardness. That lifts the track to a higher plain. The music has something from the 80s, 90s and through to now. The bass has an alt 80s feel while the synths revel in mid-90s chill. It’s all rather analogue loveliness and has that feel of real instruments perfectly blended with electronic ones. It has a lovely light, almost weightless, air of effortless soaring. A dandelion clock of a track. Blow gently and watch it all disappear on the breeze. Lovely.

~ by acidted on February 19, 2021.

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