Study beats up above with/Relaxando com: Felipe Tavares – If I Could Fly #StudyBeats #Chill #Downtempo @felipesting

Study beats with a bit of bossa from Brazil’s Felipe Tavares.

Felipe Tavares was born and lives in São Paulo. He taught himself guitar and created his first compositions. Later he started playing bass and played in several bands. He started his solo career after venturing into recording his own songs.

Here’s If I Could Fly from his album Voz de Baixo. This is a lush study beats track with more than a hint of Bossa Nova about it. The track takes the beats and the sultry funk thump of Felipe’s bass and adds a tinkling piano line and a female sample of ‘If I Could Fly.’ It’s the interplay between the piano and the vocal that really lifts this track into something special, not forgetting the bass.

This is warm and inviting and really rather special.

From the album Voz de Baixo (tr. Bass Voice)

~ by acidted on October 1, 2022.

One Response to “Study beats up above with/Relaxando com: Felipe Tavares – If I Could Fly #StudyBeats #Chill #Downtempo @felipesting”

  1. Niiiceeee thank you so much

    Enviado do meu iPhone

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