How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes! Kylie Monologue – Invisible Woman Syndrome

”How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!” said Maya Angelou. Here’s a fabulous minimal electro techno track from new artist Kylie Monologue.

Kylie Monologue says of herself “I’m a solo female electronic artist from London, who only started making music in 2022 at the age of 52.” I was intrigued and wanted to find out more.

As for her background, she says, “well, I guess I have always wanted to make my own music but didn’t know how! In my teens I tried out vocals for a few very small bands, but I never learned to play an instrument or anything like that. In the years that followed I just wasn’t really in a position to do anything really creative, but all that changed during the second covid lockdown.”

She goes on to says that “I relocated to London and decided to buy a laptop and bass guitar (I had some online bass lessons from Terry Bickers, but once I went back to work that idea kind of dropped off). I then bought an audio interface and a Korg Monologue, and slowly taught myself how to use Ableton.”

And on why start at this point in her life she says “It was incredibly important for me to feel like I had achieved something creative in my 50s, to make up for all the lost time previously and to prove to myself.”

The track is Invisible Woman Syndrome. It’s a great piece of electro influenced minimal techno. There’s a delicious spectral feel to it with electronic ripples or shivers of anticipation or anxiety.

There’s a a bit of Radiophonic Workshop here mixed with the more awkward end of 90s IDM like Plaid. That sense of the outsider looking in. But the bass line also offers a sense of drama and dramatic sweep.

Emotional minimal techno. Who’d have thought?

~ by acidted on September 2, 2023.

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