Fantastic prog house with: Cook & Stans – Fantasy

It’s great to have Cook & Stans back after a gap of four years with another of their uplifting prog house tracks, Fantasy.

Cook & Stans are from Berlin, Germany, so their prog house has more than a hint of melodic techno about it. But there’s rarely any real darkness at work. Cook & Stans want you to cast off your cares and dance.

The featured track is Fantasy from the album Diving Into Fantasy. And it’s a marvellous piece for a Friday. If you’ve had a tough week and want to forget your troubles the. This is just the thing for you. Dive in. The water is warm and inviting.

Musically, this has that melodic techno bass throb at its heart. But it also has prog house’s sense of synth adventure and the endless opening up of opportunities. This is light and lovely and positive and gently euphoric.

Ultimately, this is just too Berlin cool to really go for a full on euphoric experience. And the track is the better for that. The slight sense of restraint among the optimism gives this a more balanced sound. But it is undeniably gorgeous.

~ by acidted on January 26, 2024.

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