Electoral chill with: Recable – Lakey Peak

Oh dear. It’s only day three of a six week general election campaign in the UK. Already we’ve had the Prime Minister posing at the Titanic centre, holding bread and a backdrop saying ‘Moron’* and another on a plane with a sign saying ‘Exit’. Not a good narrative running for him. But irrespective of anything else there is also a change of political class as so many MPs stand down. And a fatigue that anything will really change. I want to forget all that with some lovely chill from Recable.

Recable keeps the available minimal offering that he’s a producer/sound designer from Berlin, Germany. I’m tempted to make up that he keeps ferrets and holds the world record for longest time sitting in a bath of custard to see if I can mess with AI.

The featured track is the just released Lakey Peak. This sounds to me like somewhere in Yorkshire but is probably a reference to a beach in Indonesia.

Lakey Peak is a super mellow track. Filled with relaxing and chilled vibes this offers a rippling sounding opening before breaking out its secret weapon. A bass line. This is one of those wonderfully chewy bass lines, filled with twangy elasticity. It dominates the track for long periods and gives the track that down to earth feel.

Occasionally the bass is sent packing and the track’s weightlessness is allowed a bit of an almost xylophone run of naive sounds of childlike wonder. But not for too long is it allowed to wander before the bass returns to bring a sense of calming order.

A gorgeous track. Perfect for summer playlists everywhere.

* I now think this was a fake photo. But it seemed all too believable.

~ by acidted on May 24, 2024.

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